All in the Name of Love

How much would you be willing to give up for love?
In Pakistan you might lose a lot more then you bargained for.
Pakistani loses ears, nose for love marriage
Members of wife's tribe assault man for marrying without family's OK
MULTAN, Pakistan - Armed men cut off the ears and nose of a Pakistani man who married one of their tribe for love after he and his family refused to hand over his wife, police said on Wednesday.
The attackers also chopped the ears off the man’s brother and severed his mother’s hand in the latest “honor” crime to hit Pakistan’s conservative rural areas.
Such crimes, including killings, are common in areas where marriages without the consent of girls’ families are still taboo under centuries-old tribal and feudal traditions.
Although not exclusive to Islam, honor killings are nothing new to the "Religion of Peace" or to Pakistan.
Historically most of the victims are usually women.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of women are murdered by their families each year in the name of family "honor." It's difficult to get precise numbers on the phenomenon of honor killing; the murders frequently go unreported, the perpetrators unpunished, and the concept of family honor justifies the act in the eyes of some societies.

Complicity by other women in the family and the community strengthens the concept of women as property and the perception that violence against family members is a family and not a judicial issue.
In Iran, the most common method is stoning and under Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the practice has increased.
Treated like a Muslim corpse, the victim, usually a woman, is washed and wrapped in shrouds. She is then buried in a ditch up to her shoulders and then stoned by a crowd surrounding her.
The stones should be neither too small nor too large, but just the right size to guarantee a gradual and excruciating death. Although a man, too, might be sentenced to stoning for adultery, the legitimacy of polygamy and extra-marital sex (sigheh) often allows men to escape punishment.
In May 2006, a woman and a man, Mahboubeh M. and Abbas H., were stoned to death in Mashhad. There are currently eight people--seven women and a man--sentenced to stoning.
"Females in the family—mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters, and cousins—frequently support the attacks. It's a community mentality," said Zaynab Nawaz, a program assistant for women's human rights at Amnesty International.
Such a lovely religion.
I saw this AC and didnt have the stomach to post on it but I'm glad u did...words absolutely fail me AC.
When I visited Karachi Pakistan back in 1992, imagine my horror when we were enroute to the Holiday Inn via bus from the ship, and to see stump arms wagging in and out of the windows.
There, I witnessed men missing hands, lots of them. I also witnessed adults defecating in the streets there. I should blog about it. I wish I had access to a scanner, I would post some pics that I took during my visit, including the mother who was begging to me for rupees as she held her dead child in front of me.
they will love u.s. to death...if we let them...
There is a tad more to this story. Marriage under Islam is a financial transaction. The normal course has a father in law paying to marry his daughter off.
Honor killings have to do with the marketability of women. Those found to be morally deficient will not be married off and a long term burden in a houehold and adversely impact the ability of the rest of the family to marry.
This is not an endorsement of this behavior as described above. The notion of romantic love as we know it is alien in many cultures and there is a barter system in many cultures involving marriage.
No doubt beak...I think that is why this story struck me.
According to the original Reuters version of the story, this marriage was one of love and not a financial arrangement.
Regardless of the culture, I find it hard to believe that young people can so easily put aside their attractions and feelings and see marriage as a business relationship settled without any or much input from themselves.
I didn't know you had been to Pakistan Steve.
I have never been to the Middle East or Southwest Asia. As much as I would want to visit I would also be watching my back the entire time and wouldn't feel safe bringing family.
Pakistani justice is swift. If you're caught stealing and your family has no influence, you ARE going to lose a hand.
Was your visit military related?
AC: My visit to Pakistan has a very interesting twist. I was on the USS LaSalle back then. The visit to Karachi was merely a way of providing US sailors to that town so that they could spend money there as a bargaining chip to get Pakistan to send troops to Mogadishu. The Clinton spoof worked. We spent ten days there; I got very sick.
Its been going on for centuries. Seems they are not the least bit interested in changing for the better.
Tragic, useless act.
How grotesque! What kind of human does these things to another?
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