American Crusader
I looked different with this huge Afro and hippy clothes, but I thought, if they want to stare well here I am. I was raised as an individual not as a black person. Which makes sense... because I'm white.
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Heeheehee! Good cartoon, AC!
The best cartoons always contain a huge element of truth.
This is no exception
And the dhimmicrats will still be waving that stupid thing around, even after it's been ground into the dirt by the people we want to engage. Yeah, they'll engage alright, a nuke up our nose!
Democrats... Republicans...
Tweedle Dee... Tweedle Dum.
They all make this unemployed kiddie fiddler I once knew - Mullah Mikey - look smart by comparison.
Good depiction.
You can see the Northern Lights tonight. They are a faint diffuse green, with occasional ribbons.
Diversity Project is upset because he's the one holding the sign.
Neo-cons... Progressives...
Tweedle Dee Dee... Tweedle Dee Dumber...
Don't bore me with your autobiography.
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