American Crusader
I looked different with this huge Afro and hippy clothes, but I thought, if they want to stare well here I am. I was raised as an individual not as a black person. Which makes sense... because I'm white.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

His cocaine history will actually help him since it'll be a bunch of libtards that will vote for him just because of that.
"Obama's Da Bama"?
Not with campaign slogans like that...
It is funny but since I have swatted Hilary alot of nuts are coming out of the woodwork on my Obama posts. No doubt Obama will be more realistic than Bill Clintoon " I smoked but I didn't inhale".
funny but scarey at the same time AC eh?
The cartoon has been snagged for a Fractured Friday post. Thanks, AC.
As for Obama, I'm afraid Steve may be right. They'll think it great to have someone who has done drugs!
About previous post-The US has used the Specter in the fight in Somalia!
There are no safe havens for terrorists!
If only we did more back when Clinton pulled our troops out!
What? he only smelled cocaine ,never snorted? lol
24 Sunday night!
Bwahhhhhhhhhh! LOL!!!! I've heard he's got an even bigger skeleton in the closet....
Eyes-"slick" has several large, human sized skeletons! The chair he has propped against the door is about to slide out of the way!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
Could line's not that he likes cocaine...he just likes the way it smells.
Good morning to you TMW...I always appreciate the thought.
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