American Crusader
I looked different with this huge Afro and hippy clothes, but I thought, if they want to stare well here I am. I was raised as an individual not as a black person. Which makes sense... because I'm white.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm surprised he didn't say that it had to be read in Arabic in order to be fully understood.
I like your...'Why can't America's worst Ex-President keep his mouth shut?'
Great comment Kevin.
Thanks Daniel, good to see you.
it is difficult to keep one's mouth shut when there is a foot stuck in it at all times - which would perhaps explain the loss of elasticity in those flappity lips of his!
if he is, as he claims, a christian - he would know well the genesis 12:2-3 - something tells me he is not one of that type of christian...
he was part of the camp david with sadat and begin, he is a loving man of tolerance and buy his book. He didn;tplagarize and he isn't afraid of alan dershowitz. My ass
What a turkey!
I was looking for a good picture of Jimmy, farmer. I wish I had the turkey picture when I posted.
because..he's a pathological anti semite and he cant help himself?
good answer nanc and Farmer John!
Dittos on Angel!
check this out a.c.
Your librarian skills are becoming God-like. Now if only you can get blogger to record your name properly...
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