CAIR: Why is 'American' in its name?
I found this excellent editorial by Kevin McCullough and wanted to share it.
I guarantee that it's worth reading in entirety.
All one needs to know about the Muslims behind CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, is that when they have the opportunity to defend America to terrorists, they always fail. And when they have the opportunity to defend terror tactics, personalities and doctrine vs. America, they always succeed.
Let me be even plainer. If CAIR has the chance to take the side of Islam's jihadist doctrine vs. American security and welfare, they always side against America.
In fact, the only place where CAIR puts America first is in its name. It's a stupid ploy they believe will sucker us into thinking that they prefer America to radical jihad, but alas their many betrayals and even eagerness to jump to the defense of terrorists sort of betray their intentions.
They also bellyache a lot.
And recently they have done so way too much.
CAIR hyperventilates if the president uses the term Islamofacism, but they appear to take deep breaths of satisfaction whenever another Western target takes a hit.
OK, so I confess I've never seen them take "satisfaction" in such activities, but I do notice that such events also coincide with their sudden disappearance from news media. No condemnation of the terror tactics, no renunciation of the terrorists who executed the attack – instead, all you hear coming from the CAIR offices is the sound of meadow crickets.
They also end up looking either willfully deceptive or woefully ignorant.
Remember when the six imams praised Saddam and Osama, loudly, in the terminal and as they boarded their plane? Remember that they changed seats once on board, chanted to Allah and asked for seat belt extensions for 180-pound men? Do you also remember how Ibrahim Hooper – from CAIR – reassured all that these six Islamic scholars could never even conceive of terror, much less practice it? Oh yeah, remember how the one who had chanted loudest was shortly discovered to have worked for terror groups, even Osama himself?
Now they wish to make a federal case against Northwest Airlines for 40 Muslims who missed the one-hour check-in and thus missed their connecting flight home. CAIR wishes to blast the airline as anti-Muslim even though some of the passengers were able to make the flight, and even though Northwest did all they could to put the rest on the next available flight. Nonetheless, CAIR's Duwad Walid insists that the airline "has not taken full responsibility."
CAIR threatened legal action against US Airways in the case of the six imams, and they now seem ready to treat Northwest Airlines with the same veiled intimidation. But that's Islam's theology, you know – convert or die.
CAIR has also gotten rather testy about the new season of "24." The hit Fox series has finally had the courage to show terror in the world today for the danger that it is. The producers also did something monumentally courageous and are putting it all in the context of Islamic extremism. So far, many of the Muslims in the four-episode season have been dishonest, manipulative soldiers intent on killing infidels. Since better than 97 percent of all terror activity in my lifetime has been initiated by Islamic fundies, I'm glad that, at least at present, roughly 1 percent of prime-time television programs will show it accurately.
The spokesbabe for CAIR, Rabiah Ahmed (pronounced: Hock-mad), said, "I saw '24' on Monday, and we do have concerns for the show. We are monitoring it and will be contacting Fox to discuss those concerns. We like a good show and a good drama. But as an advocacy group, we have to consider the image and interest of our community."

I'm sorry, Ms. Ahmed, what community is it that you refer to?
Would that be the same community that danced in the streets of the Middle East, as well as Jersey City, N.J., and suburban Michigan when 3,000 Americans were killed ruthlessly by practitioners of Islam on Sept. 11? Would that be the community that in the aftermath of those attacks, as well as the ones in the South Pacific, London, Madrid, Tel Aviv, Jordan and a dozen more, have steadfastly refused to renounce the personalities and practices of those leading the Islamic jihad against the West?
Of course, CAIR has an impossible mission. They are charged with defending a religious system whose very sacred text instructs faithful practitioners to sever heads and limbs of infidels. I can only imagine the self-conflict every one of the CAIR employees must face on a daily basis. Because to be truly American they must alter at least part of their faith practice, to deny a part of its historical instruction. And thus to be fully Muslim they must choose to deny a part of what being an American is, respecting the differences of others.
Evangelical Christians make no bones about our belief. Jesus Christ claimed he was "the Way, the Truth and the Life" and that "no one could come to the Father" except through Him. But he sure never instructed infidels to be beheaded, He instead healed a man's severed ear when one of his own disciples defended Him too zealously.
CAIR is the religious equivalent of an Islamic ambulance chaser. Their message is dishonest and very inconsistent with their faith's own teachings. They are misguided in what they understand about America's legitimate fears concerning terror, and they always seem to defend the wrong people.
But hey, if the hijacked airliner, suicide-mission fits ...
12 Comments: that you mention it - they DON'T give a shiite about u.s.
i've never looked at it like this before.
thanks, a.c.
Brilliant piece here.
Brilliant? You mean like those beer commercials? Why is it that you are so afraid of Moslems? You claim to be a free society but only if you play by your rules. You are afraid but perhaps it is because you are losing your fighting man in Iraq.
America is fastly becoming a second rate country with third-rate people.
China and North Korea are at the new superpowers.
Venezuela is leading the socialist revolution throughout the Americas.
DP...You're a joke. From what I can tell, you're from Latrobe Pennsylvania and your IP address is 63.164.21.# (citizens telephone).
You use AOL.
Get off your parents computer before you get caught.
Peversity project is on my blog and is best used as a comedic prop. Who fears Muslims or Commies we call them as we see them. Look at the moron.
North Korea can not feed itself and if circumstances permit you may find out real soon. When the government starts enforcing the laws of treason and sedition off you go denaturalized and deported.
Where is Rios Montt? Can someone send him to MA?
As Steve said, "brilliant piece." Kudos to you!
Did you catch the CAIR rep on O'Reilly last night? Ishtar, or whatever his name was, was objecting to the show 24. What a pathetic argument CAIR put forth on that one! From what I understand of that episode of 24, the plot was plausible. So, what's CAIR's beef? Some hypothetical nonsense about the show possibly leading to internment camps.
I can't wait to see if CAIR reacts to tonight's Fox special about Hezbollah. I suspect a nonreaction, but one never knows what lunacy (pun intended) CAIR will spew forth.
I third the "brilliant piece!"
CAIR is nothing more than a legal jihad group.
Thank you brooke and AOW..but all I did was copy and paste someone else's hard work.
I'm not sure how much CAIR will react since Hezbollah is a Shi'ite Muslim organization. From all I can tell, CAIR is a Sunni organization.
AOW..are you referring to Rabiah Ahmed's reactions?
They were fairly predictable. My God, associating terrorism and Islam...what a stretch.
I've posted that particular interview on O'Reilly.
I fourth the brillant and love the IP tag, keep'em on their toes. Not much I can add here. If CAIR does not like being the antagonists in real life and on 24, tell us where the bad guys are, they know
if the hijacked airliner, suicide-mission fits ...exactly!..and what is CA-IR anyway that they get so much press coverage?..did anyone vote for these bozo terrorists to speak for anyone..NO!
Council on
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