Why the Democrats Control Congress

Barring a miracle, the Democratic party will control both the House and Senate come next January. Today the Monday morning quarterbacks (in this case Wednesday) will start the blame game. I'm sure many will question the results in Virginia and New Mexico but the truth is if the Republican party had stuck to its core values they would still control both houses.
I belong to the Republican Party because I believe in strong family values, the rights of property owners, lower taxes and fiscal conservatism, and tough policies to protect our neighborhoods from crime.
A balanced budget used to be a republican motto. We have let the Democrats steal it.
We need to be the party that represents high moral values. Even though I believe we still are, we allowed the perception of morality to slip. High ranking Republicans such as Tom DeLay, Bob Ney and Mark Foley put in question the high moral ground Republicans used to own. We cannot allow the Jack Abramoff's into our congressional offices and we need to be self vigilant for sexual predators.
Knowing that the press doesn't cover scandals such as these equally, it is even more important to not allow them to happen in the first place.
The sun will still rise today. This needn't be a day of despair. Let's get back to our core values. The Democrats won this election by offering no alternatives. Their plan was simple...criticize and distort.
But the good news is...after two years of Nancy Pelosi, November 2, 2008 should be a much better day.
John Hall Democrat 90,019 (51%)
Sue W. Kelly (i) Republican 86,491 (49%)
thanks..I've been tryin to stay upbeat as well AC..I wanna holler but you are right about everything u assessed in this post!
I'll leave you to answer anonymous if you choose to do so. I don't. I've had too much of it over at MRB.
Great post, AC, and you're right; this will end up helping us in 2008. It's just a bit hard to really look at it that way today, but I'm working on it. :)
Glad to see that you stand up for your convictions anonymous...
Is that why you didn't identify yourself?
Anonymous = Ahmed Bedier
I can tell by his use of the word bigot and that he still hasn't learned to communicate in English very well.
way to keep yours and our chins up, a.c. you are truly a voice of reason. thank you.
as for anonymous - i decline to state my political affiliation, but vote values. my family and their well being is of the utmost concern to me. you are the racist bigot. conservatives will be elected once again when the left fails this country miserably.
I think the Democracts winning the Congress is just the wake-up call the Country needs. No, not because I think the Democrats are better but because it may just be the jolt indifferent voters need.
Personally, I think ALL the incumbents should have lost their seats (Reps and Dems!). None of them have exactly covered themselves in glory IMO.
I have noticed one thing though. It seems whenever Congress and the White House are controlled by opposite parties, the Nation fairs better.
Reading by most of your comments, i can make a good guess that none of you make enough money to be called republicans (Crusader = you look like a white trash). I don't understand how you idiots can vote republican and vote against your economic interest. Why the heck do you guys care for fringe issues? Are you ignorant of all bigger issues in this country. Are you going to think about abortion and gay marriage when you don't have food on your table to feed yourself and your family? You guys are as bad as talibans.
But the good news is...after two years of Nancy Pelosi, November 2, 2008 should be a much better day.
That's how I see it.
Getting some anonymous trolls, Crusader? You must be doing something right! ;)
You're dead on track by mentioning those Republican names. They're the ones that helped pave the way for the Democrats. They are the REAL Repugnicans, in my book.
Anon's obviously on a racist rampage. It's the case of the rat calling the mouse a rodent.
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freedom now said "Are you talking about Sudan or the US? My only issue with hunger stems from the fact that Rubios removed lobster burritos from their menu. That is the extent of my suffering."
Great line fn. Anonymous must not have food on his table and he is projecting his hunger on the rest of us.
Obviously I hit a nerve with him which leads me to believe that I was correct in identifying his true identity.
Ahmed...why are you afraid of identifying yourself.
Ahmed said "you are as bad as the talibans".
Keep working on your grammar Ahmed.
May I suggest taking a class in basic grammar?
"Crusader-you look like white trash"
I see you cannot make an argument without personal insults. This is a sign of weakness and also poor upbringing.
Wasn't your mother able to install those Eastern culture family values you brag about? Or were you forced to kill her to save your "family honor"?
Why are you afraid to identify yourself?
More proof of personal weakness.
Hi AC! I'm back and ready to go to work, so now I will respond to Anonymous.
First of all, if you weren't a yellow bellied coward, Anonymous, you would post a name. Secondly, how come, since you're so opinionated, you don't run your own blog? Could it be you wouln't know how to begin, or is it simply that you're too lazy? Thirdly, wherever did you get the idea all Republicans are rich? That's a myth. Many farmers are Republicans, and they are definitely anything but rich. Republicans are hard workers and have moral values. Calling AC white trash proves that you are white trash. While you are busy pointing fingers you have four of them pointing back at you. Please don't get the idea I'm mad at you; you're far too pathetically ignorant and unimportant to be angry with. You present nothing but the same old strawman bs, which is rather curious. I have to wonder what you are so angry about? The GOP lost the House. Did you miss that?
This is good, Anon said,
"Food on table" didn't mean burritos dumbass.
Sounds like a typical Sushi eating leftist that looks down on common fast food.
Did you know that single parent families cant afford 42inch LCD TVs?
The Horror!!!!!!!!!!
Lawman said:"Personally, I think ALL the incumbents should have lost their seats (Reps and Dems!). None of them have exactly covered themselves in glory IMO."
I agree completely. None of these bozos should be allowed to make a career of our Congress. Murtha, for example, just got his 18th term!
I say impose term limits, and cut the bennies after they are gone. No pension, free health care forever... What other Americans get such care?
Give em' a 401 (k) they can roll when they leave, the same that the rest of us get.
I hate to disappoint you Ahmed, I'm not making fun of your English.. I'm making fun of YOU.
You're telling me that no one reads this blog...but you've spent the time to make three separate posts.
Why is that?
freedom now says you eat sushi. I disagree. I believe you're more of a goat and date type person.
The anonymous posters here are EXACTLY like the Taliban, Hamas and Hizbullah cowards who hide behind the skirts of their mothers and sisters.
Grow a pair and show yourself like a man.
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