Selective Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy, thy name is Sharpton.
And Barron.
Jackson, too.
There they were this week, the Ubiquitous Three, comforting the grieving family of Sean Bell - a black man shot dead in Queens by police - for at least as long as the TV cameras lingered.
What a contrast to the scene in Brooklyn Federal Court, where one Ronell Wilson is on trial in the 2003 murders of NYPD Detectives James Nemorin and Rodney Andrews.
No Al Sharpton there.
No Charles Barron.
No Jesse Jackson.
The two detectives had been working undercover to break up a gun-running gang operating out of a Staten Island housing project. Then a gun-buy went disastrously bad, their cover blown - and they were shot dead on the spot.
Nemorin and Andrews, as it happened, were black.
They died heroes in an effort to keep illegal guns out of a virtually all-black Staten Island housing project.
That is to say, to save black lives.
Nemorin left a wife and three children.
Andrews, a wife and two kids.
Their families grieved no less than the survivors of Sean Bell.
But without Sharpton.
Without Barron.
Without Jackson.

No visit paid.
Not a word of condolence.
Nor has any of the three attended the Wilson trial.
This is not surprising, for two reasons:
* To do so would show a modicum of derivative respect for the NYPD.
* And there are no media cameras in that particular courtroom.
So what would be the point?
Sharpton and Barron and Jackson care only about certain dead black people.
They care only about tragedies that present opportunities to sow rancor, and to advance their personal agendas.

This is not news, of course, but it is worth pointing out that the fatherless children of hero cops need a hug, too.
Not that Sharpton or Barron or Jackson gives a damn.
These guys are sickening! I cannot believe that the black community doesn't run these charlatans out on a rail, especially that plaster saint Jackson.
They are race baiters and hucksters. And I could care less what color they come in!
Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Walter Williams, Dr. Thomas Sowell, those are gentlemen and scholars, and it doesn't matter what color they come in either!
like dogs to their own vomit.
sorry to be so graphic.
There is a funny part of this story
that is forgotten. One of the suspects tried to flee Staten Island on the Ferry. A woman pointed out to a police officer that that was the ugliest woman she had ever seen and was a man in drag. Police took a quick look and grabbed the suspect.
The moral of the storry is look before you flee.
Beamish in 08
There is a funny part of this story
that is forgotten. One of the suspects tried to flee Staten Island on the Ferry. A woman pointed out to a police officer that that was the ugliest woman she had ever seen and was a man in drag. Police took a quick look and grabbed the suspect.
The moral of the storry is look before you flee.
Beamish in 08
It was only funny the 1st time Beak..
There just has to be a special place in hell for people like those three, and if there isn't, there should be!
Can't expect any better of this trio, I suppose. IMO, they are racists, though they'll never admit so.
good one, a.c.!'s all about themselves.
These clowns join the ranks of the media attention whores I've spoken about on my blog earlier on.
Reprehensible, aren't they? I like what nanc said about dogs going back to their vomit. Spot on.
I like Steve's "attention whores" comparison. It is an apt description of these three.
I don't think any of them even care about the truth i.e. Tawana Brawley.
For them, it's all about where the cameras are. They claim to be civil rights workers but I believe they are setting back civil rights.
great great read display the hypocrisy like this makes it irrefutable!...!..yes its all about the cameras rolling..I'm ready for my closeup!
lol beak!
AC, in order to keep their jobs they gotta keep the race baitin' shuck and jive going. It's job security man, nothing more.
'They care only about tragedies that present opportunities to sow rancor, and to advance their personal agendas.'
So true AC.
Take care man. I'll be back
That's exactly right, NO in their case that's exactly left
God forbid they do any good without lights, camera and action.
There's no ME in that. Yep a bunch of hypocrits. Have been and always will be because that's all they know or want to know.
Long live the racial divide as long they are still taking in oxygen.
American bravery, thy name is James Nemorin and Rodney Andrews.
God bless them.
I'm prayin for their families...
'Long live the racial divide as long they are still taking in oxygen.'
I gotta love Gunz qoutes man, they are classic! LOL!
Doin' good AC?
Hey Cyprus!
Sharpton was at the press conference last night when one of the injured men was being released from a hospital.
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