Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Al Franken??

Warning... the following commentary contains coarse language.
So just how stupid are the fucking morons of Minnesota?
You would have thought they learned their lesson after Jesse "the body" Ventura.
Obviously, they did not. Gov. Ventura, at least thought for himself, even if he would have been embarrassed by appearing on the show "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader".
Al Franken is a pathetic comedian. The only thing funny about Al Franken is AL FRANKEN...diapers and all.
But there is a silver lining. With a filibuster proof Congress, the Democratic Party will be held responsible for every piece of legislation that Mr. Obama signs.
There won't be any "blame it on Republicans or it is George Bush's fault" to hide behind.
Obama will not be able to claim that the policies of George Bush are the reason he has quadrupled the deficit within 6 months of taking office.
As our troops withdraw from all major towns and cities of Iraq, any failure will squarely be placed on Obama.
On a completely different subject:
Is anyone as tired as I am of black people consistently crying racism over every issue regardless of any factual basis.

I found it amusing as Sean 'Puff Daddy' Combs blamed the press for it's coverage of Michael Jackson's death...saying racist reporting dominated the coverage of Michael Jackson's death. Maybe if Michael Jackson had stopped sleeping with young boys or paying off families who claimed molestation, the press might have covered his death differently.

Let's be honest, the guy was a freak of nature. Blessed with unprecedented skills, his dancing and singing helped usher in MTV and worldwide popularity. At one time, he might very well have been the most recognized person on this planet. But he never grew up. His family was interested in Michael for only what they could get, not for helping him when he landed in crisis. Never growing up, he felt most comfortable around young boys and having surgery after surgery to make himself appear younger and more white.
Michael Jackson wanted to be white, regardless of what ever Al Sharpton claims.

I just wish the press would have spent a little more time on Billy Hayes and Farrah Fawcett. Their untimely deaths deserved more.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Christian Man Raped, Murdered for Refusing to Convert to Islam, Family Says
Fox News
A young Christian man was raped and brutally murdered in Pakistan for refusing to convert to Islam, and police are doing nothing about it, the victim's brother and minister told FOXNews.com.

Pakistani police reportedly found the body of Tariq "Litto" Mashi Ghauri — a 28-year-old university student in Sargodha, Pakistan — lying dead in a canal outside a rural village in Punjab Province on May 15. He had been raped and stabbed at least five times.

"They have sexually abuse him, torture him with a knife on his testicle and genitals," Ghauri's brother, 24-year-old Salman Nabil Ghauri, said. "They have tortured him very badly, and after that they have stabbed five times with a knife and killed him."

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Pure Horseshit

"Obama impressed Muslims with his humility and respect and they were thrilled by his citing of Quranic verses. Aiming to repair ties with the Muslim world that had been strained under his predecessor George W. Bush, he opened with the traditional Arabic greeting "Assalamu Aleikum," which drew enthusiastic applause from his audience at Cairo University."

Does the press really think Americans are so completely stupid that they forgot we were attacked barely 8 months into the Bush presidency. Osama bin Laden had declared war on America after the first Gulf War when Saudi Arabia allowed American military on Saudi soil. I suppose they also believe we have completely forgotten the attacks on our embassies that were coordinated by Al Qaeda during the Clinton years.
Was George Bush secretly hiding on the USS Cole when it was attacked?
But the blame it all on Bush game plays best practically among the far left press which parcels out what information they believe Americans want to hear. Obama can do no wrong. even as he squarely places the blame on the Republican Party.
So as we marched down the road to socialism and revisionist history, maybe it's time to remember why the 2nd amendment was written.


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