American Crusader
I looked different with this huge Afro and hippy clothes, but I thought, if they want to stare well here I am. I was raised as an individual not as a black person. Which makes sense... because I'm white.
Friday, November 07, 2008

I looked different with this huge Afro and hippy clothes, but I thought, if they want to stare well here I am. I was raised as an individual not as a black person. Which makes sense... because I'm white.
g'mornin my friend.:)..Our nation is in deeeeeeeeeeeeep trouble..........
OK, who are they?
it's a "power pose" - now that they have it, let's all just sit back and see what they DO with it! perhaps they'll take time out to tend to their know...get jobs...stay with the mother(S) of their children?
So patriotism means being a good little pickaninnie?
LOL, Nanc! The power of positive thinking won't make it so!
Hi, AC. It really does get tiresome, doesn't it? :(
Happy Thanksgiving, AC!
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