Does Obama Really Believe...
it was the Democrats' winning control of Congress in November 2006 that led to the turnaround in Iraq's Sunni Anbar province?
"I welcome the genuine reductions of violence that have taken place, although I would point out that much of that violence has been reduced because there was an agreement with tribes in Anbar province - Sunni tribes - who started to see, after the Democrats were elected in 2006, you know what, the Americans may be leaving soon, and we are going to be left very vulnerable to the Shias. We should start negotiating now. That's how you change behavior."
I don't remember ever hearing from the Iraqi Sunni leadership "Well, since the Democrats won and you guys are on your way out, we guess we'd better talk to the Shiites".

Even those who dispute the role of the surge in the "Anbar Awakening" recognize that al Qaeda atrocities were the initial impetus behind the shift in tribal attitudes - not Democratic victories at the polls.
This naivety in the Democratic Party really scares me. For Obama to try to take credit for that turnaround (or to attribute it to Rep. Rahm Emmanuel's and Sen. Charles Schumer's success in managing the '06 congressional elections) raises questions about his distance from reality.
It's enough to give me a migraine!
cuckoo cuckooo
hey AC it's good to see you out and abou
This naivety in the Democratic Party really scares and me both my friend!..all the candidates are so flawed!
what elbro said!
news alert this morning - john kerry is putting his endorsement with obama - woo-oooh.
What goes up
Must come down
Spinnin' wheel
Gotta go round...
we are not to question her chosen on thus speaketh Oprah, Queen of the suburban women.
Did ya ever stop to think about the fact it's the middle of winter over here??
Joe Shmoe insurgent doesn't want to be out mucking in the cold any more than you do (it's 29F out right now).
Warm weather is just around the corner. Let's see what happens when the thaw hits.
He's probably foolish enough to believe it.
Everyone knows it was the completion of ethnic cleansing and our payment to tribal leaders for local militias that calmed things down.
The tribes have played a role in stabilizing Iraq. However, it was part of the overall military strategy.
It seems most Democrats are distanced from reality, AC... some more than others! Of course they will try to take credit. General Petreus didn't have anything to do with it and our military had nothing to do with it. It's all about them!
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