American Crusader
I looked different with this huge Afro and hippy clothes, but I thought, if they want to stare well here I am. I was raised as an individual not as a black person. Which makes sense... because I'm white.
Thursday, November 06, 2008

is it my overactive imagination or is she pigeon-toed AND bowlegged?
the red in the center of the black makes the outfit look like a fire in an old potbellied stove!
good to see you out and about, a.c.
In this photo, she definitely does look bowlegged.
But after all the nonstop campaigning, she just might be a little tired. Still, I had no idea that she would be so stylistically challenged.
oearly on they were marketing her as a sort of jackie kennedy and this was gonna be the new I administration. something tells me that wasn't sitting well with some. but boy is this outfit fugly.
Perhaps it is a bit catty, but MO has always dressed terribly.
That dress does not flatter her at all.
I remember Jackie Kennedy, she's NO Jackie Kennedy.
Hey, AC! Long time!
G*D bless and MARANATHA!
Welcome back AC :)
All I can say is, "The Black Widow".
The red hourglass is a dead giveaway.
That dress she's wearing does look like a lava lamp! LOL.
And a black widow spider. That too!
MO ain't no Jackie Kennedy, that's for sure.
Well at least she paid for it herself.
duck says..'Well at least she paid for it herself.'
It looks homemade...less than $20 worth of material at best.
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