New Axis of Evil
Our eyes are focused on Iraq. The military conflict began in late March 2003 and by May of the same year the Iranian army was in shambles and Saddam was in hiding. This is what our military does better than any other military in the world. We seek out and kill our enemies.
By May of this year, 4 years later, our soldiers are still in Iraq because the Iraqi people cannot form a stable government. Our soldiers are being killed and maimed while Shi'ites and Sunni Muslims continue to seek revenge against each other for excesses under Saddam.
We are playing into the hands of our enemies. The longer we stay in Iraq, the stronger our enemies become.
The United States and the rest of the West are ignoring the possibility of an Iran-Russia-China dominated world order.
But such an alignment is more than possible. Russia, China and Iran continue to aggressively press forward toward a goal of world domination in rhetoric, diplomacy, and military action.
These advances are frequent and stronger as Iran gains confidence and solidifies relationships in its building of a world-wide power structure. Meantime, Russia and China , which are more interested in wealth and control than in any religious power, are using Iran as a spearhead to do their bidding.
Iran perceives the United States as weakened and bogged down by the Iraq war. The Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress that the U.S. would begin waging an “aggressive ground campaign” against Iranian networks operating inside Iraq. The possibility of cross-border raids into Iran also has been mentioned. President Bush, in a recent 60 Minutes interview, would not directly say that Iran was an enemy of the United States , but implied Iran's actions were hostile.
Iran is working every angle to build alliances against the United States. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Chavez have agreed to establish a $2 billion war chest to undermine U.S. influence in Central and South America. Iran is using Russian missiles to defend itself from any attack from either Israel or the United States.
According to defense intelligence officials, joint Russian/Iranian crews currently man two S-300 units just outside of Tehran and Iranian Army soldiers are now undergoing operational training on the advanced missile system in Moscow.

"The S-300PMU is simply a highly effective fast SAM (surface-to-air missile) that is very hard to jam and stop," stated Richard Fisher, a senior fellow at the Jamestown Foundation.
The new S-300 air defense missile represents just one example of a new generation of weapons being sold on the open market by Russia. Another popular new weapon is the Vympel R-77 missile, NATO code named AA-12 Adder. The R-77 is a long-range air-to-air missile carried by Russian built fighters. The R-77 is designed to destroy other aircraft beyond visual range (BVR) and reported to be equal to or better than the U.S. made AIM-120 AMRAAM missile.
The Russian Federation is not only Iran's foremost supplier of nuclear technology and training, it is reported that hundreds of Russian scientists and technicians currently work in Bushehr.
China has also purchased these advanced missile systems. China is also deploying Jian-10 jet fighters at an air base approximately 500 kilometers from Taiwan, military sources said yesterday. This new jet, unveiled in 2002, is an advanced fighter with air to air missiles and is a technological leap forward from previous Chinese aircraft.

China also confirmed Tuesday it has conducted an anti-satellite weapons test. The United States depends on its satellites for conducting war, more so than any other nation. Because China's weather satellites would travel at about the same altitude as U.S. spy satellites, analysts also said the test represented an indirect threat to U.S. defense systems. With its new ballistic missile technology and advanced jet fighters, I believe that China is sending a direct message that it plans on reacquiring Taiwan.
Beijing has repeatedly pledged peaceful development of its army _ the world's largest _ but has caused unease among its neighbors by announcing double-digit military spending increases nearly every year since the early 1990s.
It has spent heavily on beefing up its arsenal with submarines, jet fighters and other high-tech weapons.
Some Unrelated but Interesting Reading Material:
Last fall I visited Dearborn, Michigan, to attend a high school class reunion. I arrived early enough to drive around my old neighborhood. To my surprise, it had become almost totally an Arab population. Every business I passed displayed Arab-English signs, and on the front lawn of one of Dearborn’s public schools was a 5-by-7 foot “Peaceful Ramadan” sign. Apparently, the Supreme Court’s rules about religious symbols on public school property are not honored in Dearborn. It would be interesting to know why. Read the rest here.
On the eve of her historic presidential announcement, Hillary Clinton lost the support of liberal big-ticket donor George Soros to the Barack Obama campaign, the Daily News has learned.
Soros' switch was a stunner in the Clinton camp, which had hoped to woo him back amid a flurry of exchanges.
Read the rest here.
I think Iraq is making our military much stronger. We are building a solid base of experience. Our military is developing more powerful firepower and technology that was adapted to conditions on the battlefield. For all of China's newfound wealth, they have much to fear.
The Iraq War is making us stronger and our enemies know this.
However, the biggest mistake anyone could make is to say that we won the Cold War.
We won a major battle, but North Korea, China and Cuba still stand. Although the Soviet Union fell, the present Russian Republic is barely any better than the Soviets. Its even led by a former KGB leader.
The next decade COULD be the bloodiest ever, but our enemies underestimate us (as they have always done). While in small scale conflicts we are vulnerable because we are not blowhards, when shit hits the fan the American people get going. We don’t propagandize as well as our enemies, but we fight better than them!
Lets roll!!!!!!!!
I considered some of your points before I wrote my post but then I looked back to what happened in post Vietnam.
Yes we had battle tested veterans but we also had demoralized troops whose usefulness in battle would be risky at best.
I'm not saying we are at that level yet but if we don't get some measure of success I see certain parallels.
The war we are fighting now, is not one of high tech but one fought with improvised devices and snipers.
Digging through junkyards for metal plates may show improvisation but it's time to take the gloves off.
We can declare out any province/area anytime we want but when we give it back to Iraqi control, it reverts to its previous state.
Is spreading Democracy a noble ideal or is it naïve?
I no longer believe that all societies are capable of living in a democracy.
Palestine is the perfect example. They were given the right to vote and they voted for Hamas. This was their right but now that they have to live with the consequences, they cry foul.
Is it possible to have educated electors in a society consumed with revenge and hatred?
ignoring the possibility of an Iran-Russia-China dominated world order...That has to be the most chilling thing I read today AC..
The United States and the rest of the West are ignoring the possibility of an Iran-Russia-China dominated world order.
I'm glad that you mentioend that axis. In a few years, we're going to look back and say, "Why didn't we see this coming?" All the signs are already present. In fact, Time Magazine recently did a cover story on the rise of China.
From that FPM article to which you linked:
Americans also ought to take notice of the fact that no Islamic leaders, anywhere in the world, have clearly condemned jihadists. Time and again when asked directly whether they condemn the practice of jihad, Islamic leaders everywhere fail to clearly state their opposition to it.
CAIR plays those same word games and fails to condemn jihadists by name and by organization. See THIS, and note the word games on the part of the CAIR rep. Watch until the end, when Cavuto and Iftikar have a rather heated exchange.
The developing technologies of robotic warfare are taking shape in this conflict. The enemy is low-tech but not the US military. I would seriously invest in the armaments history if you are smart! Hi-tech military contractors are doing quite well.
The stories of scrap metal plating are highly over publicized. Every conflict has seen similar stories. There hasnt been a more highly armored force in world history since the Middle Ages. No matter how well armored our troops could be there will always be a bomb that can penetrate such defenses. Even the powerful M1 Abrams tanks can be destroyed. It could be possible to create super tanks that travel at one mph that could be invulnerable to IEDs, but they would be militarily ineffective. Enemy propaganda can be spread by even well-meaning people.
Our troops are not demoralized.
Conservatives are demoralized.
Big difference...
Our military on the ground knows that we can win the war using our current strategy. We have made major accomplishments while the enemy can only claim the murder of innocent civilians as their only accomplishment, even as their range of operations slowly shrinks. Its time to give our troops and our government credit for the good job they are doing. Iraq was not a kite-flying paradise before the removal of the brutal Baathist dictatorship and its not realistic to expect to easily fix the problem THAT SADDAM CREATED.
Unrealistic expectations are the problem for the majority who supported the US liberation of Iraq. Our strategy has been to train the Iraqis to defend themselves and gradually put them in charge. Over a year ago the Iraqis did not have an effective military and today they are in charge of three provinces. We continue to make progress while our enemies claim we are defeated.
Lets tell the real story because our military is doing a great job, but the supporters of our country are miserable at countering Islamist and leftwing propaganda. They say we are running out of time in Iraq, but what is the urgency? Its an artificial urgency that our enemies are laying on us through intensive propaganda. The goal of our enemies is to demoralize us.
The key to this conflict does not lay in the battlefield, where we rule supreme – it lies in the morale of our people. They cannot break our will to fight if we can destroy the doom and gloom they seek to create. Our economy is better than ever and our troops are doing a great job. What do we need to change? We can finish the job if we believe in our fighting men and woman.
They deserve our support!!!!!!!!!!!
Great post fn.
You brought up some great points that need to be addressed AC.
We need to reassess our strategy.
Cheap, low tech violence against unarmed citizens in a country with such a long history of such brutality is not going to be stopped overnight.
We are still achieving our objectives, but we cant get the message out if we continue to cower before Islamist/leftwing propaganda.
When we speak of Iraq we worry about leftwing backlash. Yet when we show balance in our dialog about Iraq we are still criticized and quoted out of context.
Look at Bush when he said that "We are not winning, but not losing" (this is paraphrased). What good did it do him to be so defensive?
The press only quoted "We are not winning"... They intentionally misquoted him to change the meaning of what he said.
Lets quit playing their game and speak up to defend the good job that our troops are doing. I'm not ashamed by what we are doing in Iraq.
Who really cares about the people of Iraq?...
Al Qaeda? the Shia Militias? Baathist terrorists? or the United States?
Our even-handed policy has allowed the Shia majority to assume their rightful role in the leadership of Iraq for the first time in their history. We have also cracked down on Shiite militias that have lashed out at the Sunni minority in retaliation for the crimes of a few. The country has only known discrimination and favoritism. Iraq will never know the kind of humanitarianism that the US has given them again.
You never read about our reconstruction efforts. About how our troops risk their lives to build schools and utility plants for ALL of the citizens of Iraq. Not just Shiites or Sunnis.
Our men and women serving in Iraq know that this is something worth fighting for...
And furthermore, I cannot stand to listen to anymore scumbag politicians who blame the Iraqis for this Baathist mess. They sit safe and sound in their ivory towers while Iraqis can be killed just for the act of going to work at a bakery or construction site. Iraqi politicians have to bundle up their family in fortified compounds or send them to another country. They are not slackers.
I would like to take JFK’s famous quote and apply it to this situation;
“Ask not what a victim of terrorism can do for you, but what you can do for a victim of terrorism.”
You brought up some great points that need to be addressed AC.
We need to reassess our strategy.
Cheap, low tech violence against unarmed citizens in a country with such a long history of such brutality is not going to be stopped overnight.
We are still achieving our objectives, but we cant get the message out if we continue to cower before Islamist/leftwing propaganda.
When we speak of Iraq we worry about leftwing backlash. Yet when we show balance in our dialog about Iraq we are still criticized and quoted out of context.
Look at Bush when he said that "We are not winning, but not losing" (this is paraphrased). What good did it do him to be so defensive?
The press only quoted "We are not winning"... They intentionally misquoted him to change the meaning of what he said.
Lets quit playing their game and speak up to defend the good job that our troops are doing. I'm not ashamed of our efforts in Iraq.
Who really cares about the people of Iraq?...
Al Qaeda? the Shia Militias? Baathist terrorists? or the United States?
Our even-handed policy has allowed the Shia majority to assume their rightful role in the leadership of Iraq for the first time in their history. We have also cracked down on Shiite militias that have lashed out at the Sunni minority in retaliation for the crimes of a few. The country has only known discrimination and favoritism. Iraq will never know the kind of humanitarianism that the US has given them again.
You never read about our reconstruction efforts. About how our troops risk their lives to build schools and utility plants for ALL of the citizens of Iraq. Not just Shiites or Sunnis.
Our men and women serving in Iraq know that this is something worth fighting for...
And furthermore, I cannot stand to listen to anymore scumbag American politicians who blame the Iraqis for this Baathist mess. They sit safe and sound in their ivory towers while Iraqis can be killed just for the act of going to work at a bakery or construction site. Iraqi politicians have to bundle up their family in fortified compounds or send them to another country. They are not slackers.
I would like to take JFK’s famous quote and apply it to this situation;
“Ask not what a victim of terrorism can do for you, but what you can do for a victim of terrorism.”
I guess I cant delete my comment at 7:35 Pacific Time. Usually most blogs allow that.
Sorry for the repeat...
Hillary lost Sorros to Hussein Obama? I hadn't heard that. Very intersting, but didn't Howard Dean have Sorros, too, before he started screaming like a drunk fool on stage? Anyway, on the right side of the ledger, Newt has come out strong against Iran and their looming nuclear abilities. He practically called for an all out war on Islam, which is exactly why I will support him in '08.
Interesting reporting AC.
And your assessments may prove to be true. It is no wonder that China is becoming a Military Might to be concerned with. And Russia is always a concern. I don't trust them!
Iran needs to confronted and stopped; in it's desire to wipe out Israel and build atomic weapons.
We will not be intimidated by it's Missle technology.
China's anti-satellite weapons test is of concern.
Here is an interesting article by:
'International Network of Engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation' by Jeffrey Lewis
"Space Weapons in US Defense Planning"
Particularly interesting is-
'Space Control and Autonomous Proximity Operations'.
IMO- the US is well aware of the China-Russian-Iranian threat.
We are constantly watching and listening.
Excellent FN! I like your views and assessments!
"Lets tell the real story because our military is doing a great job, but the supporters of our country are miserable at countering Islamist and leftwing propaganda. They say we are running out of time in Iraq, but what is the urgency? Its an artificial urgency that our enemies are laying on us through intensive propaganda. The goal of our enemies is to demoralize us.
The key to this conflict does not lay in the battlefield, where we rule supreme – it lies in the morale of our people. They cannot break our will to fight if we can destroy the doom and gloom they seek to create. Our economy is better than ever and our troops are doing a great job. What do we need to change? We can finish the job if we believe in our fighting men and woman.
They deserve our support!!!!!!!!!!!"
Thanks Dan, fn is one of the most knowledgeable posters that I've come across.
"We are not winning"...Bush should have known that the press would have picked up only half of his sentence.
Words have power. Such words as "quagmire", give the impression we are bogged down and revive Vietnam era politics.
The left wing media has won this war of words.
I thought last night's State of the Union address went very well.
We need to give Bush our support but we cannot stay in Iraq indefinitely.
If the increase in troops doesn't quell the violence within six months or so, another strategy will be needed.
Defeating Saddam was easy but we should have been better prepared for the insurgency that followed.
I think the administration failed to recognize this danger.
Iraq has become a training ground for future Jihadist.
Just as we are learning new strategies, so are our enemies.
At least you recognize the unmistakable decline of American democracy. American greed will bring America down to its knees. China is ascending and world socialism will once again be the beacon of light and hope for world peace.
China a beacon for peace?
Sure, as long as you don't piss off the government. Just ask those poor souls that were murdered in Tienemen (sp?) square.
Excellent post. The Iran-China-Russia situation is
a pressure cooker waiting to blow.
Good follow up points AC.
It is a PR war too.
Though we should NEVER go to war with our hands tied! Go all out!
I agree, the State Of the Union Adress was good! I believe Bush is doing a good job overall. He is right about tax breaks, it steams the economy.
And we need to develope alternative energy for our survival without oil imports. We should have done so much more, as I thought the oil problems of the 70's would have done!
For certaintity Jihadists would be brewing (as their bombings have the world over) even if we never went into Iraq.
But it will be even worse if we pull out.
Keep up the Fight!
I really love your handle Diversity Project. Its perfect!
You said, "At least you recognize the unmistakable decline of American democracy"
Tell me, is our surging economy a sign of our decline?
Is a democratic power transfer to the opposition in the middle of a war a sign of our democratic decline?
All the talk of wire tapping, the Patriot Act and erosion of our civil rights have turned out to be an empty shell game. Outside of Socialist or Islamist web sources you barely hear of those issues any more. I hope you are still not afraid to go to the library anymore. If you are, then just take a chance that the government might overlook your trip and forget to inquire about what books you checked out. Where’s the censorship that should have surely taken place under a dictatorship like ours?
You guys make claims that we are going to invade North Korea, Iran or Venezuela for a while and then forget about it. I dont FORGET and I wont let you forget either! …Tell me, when is the draft going to be passed?
Its absurd to claim that things are bad. I'm swimming in a pool of digital stimulation and enjoying the product of technologies I never imagined about 20 years ago.
Even though I am a high school dropout I have nothing to worry about as far as job security goes. I could leave my job and find another one in a heartbeat.
I remember the Cold War and the fear that we all faced. Tell me about a time when there was no war or fear.
If you want to sob about how bad things are I am willing to listen. You just need a shoulder to cry on and then you will feel better...
Love und Kisses,
If us and Bush were Leftists, right now we would be talking about a surge in popularity of the president. It wouldnt have to be true.
Michael Moore claimed that the American people were against the war in early 2004, when polls showed that the majority supported our efforts.
They project their wishes by stating them as a fact in the hopes that they come true.
The press covered the Senates reaction to Prez Bush's war plan in the headlines as a "rejection". They knew that the Prez already had enough funds to carry it out, but they were putting a spin to make it seem like the Senate had more power than it really had. They are looking to snowball the Democratic victory from last November. Basically, trying to project a situation where a Democratic controlled legislature could force a withdrawal from Iraq.
(BBC is really good at those tactics.)
Take the presidents State of the Union. The media was quick to state that his address wont make a difference in his popularity.
The media reports the news and then reports the public's reaction even before it happens. They are slick, are they not?
When Zarqawi was killed they emphasized that it wouldnt stop the insurgency. Everyone knows that, but it was still an important psychological victory.
We can only counter such propaganda through positive activism and doing some projecting of our own.
This is the change in strategy that we need. 20,000 troops will kick some ass in Iraq, but the victory will be won in the media and in popular opinion.
Diversity Project will appreciate this comment...
world socialism a beacon of light and hope hahahahahaha let's ask the French how that socialism thing is going or maybe what's left of the USSR....
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